Abbey 180

Masonic Lodge
Abbey RAC 180

Companions assembling outside the Church of the Ascension prior to their Centenary Church Service on the 28th May 2006.

Left to right;
Most Excellent Companion, the District Grand King, Cyril Ferguson, of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim.
Right Excellent Companion, the Assistant District Grand King , Jon McA Pollock, of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim.

From the back, left to right;
E.Comp. Freddie Hoy, Comp. Billy Shaw, E.Comp.
George Williams ( hidden) E.Comp. Brian McCloughlin,
E.Comp. James Lyons, E.Comp. Tommy Chambers,
E.Comp. Bill McClenaghan, E.Comp. Sam Bell,
E.Comp. Bobby Spiers & E.Comp. Jimmy McLaughlin.

Excellent King Jim Porter (waving), on the right E. Comp. Denis Coates, on the left Comp. Andy Twigg, High Priest, and on his left - E.Comp. Sid Vokes. Between E.K. & H.P. - E.Comp. Sam Bell (bearded). Coming down the steps :- from the top left to right, Comp. Billy Shaw, Comp. Neil Ritchie, Chief Scribe, E.Comp. Freddie Hoy.

Order of Service for Abbey RAC 180 Centenary Church Service.

Excellent King E.Comp. Jim Porter is presented with the first Royal Arch Centenary Certificate by the District Assistant Grand King. R.E. Comp. Wendell McGrath and the District Grand Registrar, R.E.Comp Jim Lynch.

This was presented to Abbey RAC 180 in recognition of a Continuity of Membership since 1906. It is the first "Centenary Certificate" to be presented to a Chapter in Ireland.

E.K. Jim Porter accompanied by Distinquished Companions, Officers, Companions of the Chapter and Visitors.

Centenary place mat detailing the names of Abbey RAC Officers in 1906 & 2006.

Receipt from 1906 detailing the purchase of Mark and Chapter Aprons, Collars and Sashes.