Abbey 180

Masonic Lodge
Worshipful Master, Lee Burnside's visit to Malta
Worshipful Master Lee Burnside visits St. John and St. Paul Lodge No.349 and De Rohan Lodge No.9760, Chapter of Melita No 349. The guide, R.Wor. Bro. John Fenech of Lodge 349 gave the tour explaining the tremendous history of the Hall and Lodges both Pre and Post WW2.
The lodge will present at a later date, Regalia and Certificates which belong to a Bro. Lee's who was in both the Wayfarers Lodge & Chapter in the 1850's. This was presented to Abbey 180 by the son of the late R.W.Bro.Billy Montgomery.

Bro. Andy Moore and Bro. Hugh Blair visit Lightship Lodge No 386 in Ballywalter. They are accompanied by the Secretary, W.Bro. Mark Geehan.
Bro. Andy Moore and Bro. Hugh Blair visit Lightship Lodge No 386 in Ballywalter. They are accompanied by the Secretary, W.Bro. Mark Geehan.
Bro. Andy Moore and Bro. Hugh Blair visit Lightship Lodge No 386 in Ballywalter. They are accompanied by the Secretary, W.Bro. David Wilson and W.Bro. Mark Geehan.
W.Bro. Marshall Duncan accompanied by W.Bro. Steve Raine after his visit to Bushmills Lodge No.414