Abbey 180

Masonic Lodge
Abbey RAC 180

Presentation of the Silver Jubilee 25 Year Jewels

E.K. Freddie Hoy, accompanied by Most Excellent District Grand King of Antrim, M.E. Comp. Jon. McA. Pollock, District Officers, Chapter Officers, Companions and visiting Companions.

E.K. Freddie Hoy, welcoming the Most Excellent District Grand King to Abbey RAC 180.

E.K. Freddie Hoy, accompanied by Most Excellent District Grand King of Antrim, H.P. Stephen Houston and C.S. Robert Lenaghan

Front row
E.K. Freddie Hoy, accompanied by Most Excellent District Grand King of Antrim, M.E. Comp. Jon. McA. Pollock, pictured with Companions who received their Silver Jubilee jewels;
Middle row
E.C. Alan Hunter, R.E.C. Joe Corr, E.C. Bill Patterson
Back Row
E.C. Jim Mclaughlin, E.C Denis Rowland, V.E.C. Bill McClenaghan, Comp. Billy Fagan, E.C. Bobby Spiers,
E.C. Drew Welsh