Abbey 180
Masonic Lodge
December 2018 Meeting
Abbey Lodge No 180 had the pleasure of welcoming the R.Wor. Bro. J.O. Dunlop, Provincial Deputy Grand Master to their December emergency communication. At the meeting, the Lodge were presenting three cheques to the following charities;
Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. John Dickson chosen external Charity, Action Cancer
N.I. Hospice
The Poppy Appeal
This was made possible by two major fund-raising activities, the Lodges annual sponsored walk in September and a special Armed Forces Remembrance night in November which was organised by the Lodges Worshipful Master, Neil Ritchie
W.M. Neil Ritchie presents a cheque to R.Wor. Bro. J.O. Dunlop, Provincial Deputy Grand Master for £450 on behalf of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. John Dickson chosen external Charity, Action Cancer.
W.M. Neil Ritchie accompanied by R.Wor. Bro. J.O. Dunlop, Provincial Deputy Grand Master, presents a cheque for £200 to W. Bro. John McIlwaine PPGLIG and W. Bro Foster Clyde PPGLI , who are receiving it on behalf of the Northern Ireland Hospice.
W.M. Neil Ritchie accompanied by R.Wor. Bro. J.O. Dunlop, Provincial Deputy Grand Master, presents a cheque for £200 to W.Bro. Joe Corr, who is receiving it on behalf of the Poppy Appeal.
November 2018 Emergency Meeting
W.M. Neil Ritchie welcoming Abbey 180's latest EA, Bro. Gareth Moody.
Bro. Garth Moody pictured with W.Bro. Ed Spiers, R. Bro. Bobby Spiers and W.Bro. Gary Spiers.
November 2018 Meeting
At the Stated November Communication the W.M. W.Bro Neil Ritchie held an Armed Force Remembrance Service in the Lodge room. Following the meeting the Brethren retired to the Festive Board where they had a superb buffet provided by Glen Catering.
The Brethren relaxed over a few drinks and watched with bated breath as two Brethren, Bro. David Thompson and Bro. Kyle McDowell were initiated in to the “STAR’ degree.
October 2018 Meeting
Worshipful Master Neil Ritchie, PGO accompanied by W. Bro. John McIlwaine P. Prov. Grand Inner Guard, W.Bro. Bobby Scott, Prov. Grand Inspector and W.Bro. John Gibson, Prov. Grand Steward.
W.Bro. John Gibson who had just affiliated to the Lodge was a member of a Master Mason degree team and delivered in an exemplary manner the obligation and its explanation to Bro. David Thompson.
July 2018 Emergency Meeting
W.M. Neil Ritchie accompanied by Bro. Andrew Moore, Bro. David Thompson and Bro. Kyle McDowell who had just received their Fellow Craft degrees. The Lodge room was packed with Lodge members and visitors who enjoyed an excellent degree delivered by W.Bro. John Gibson.
May 2018 Meeting
'W.M. Neil Ritchie accompanied by the R.W. Bro. John Edens, Provincial Assistant Grand Master, Grand Lodge & Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, Elected Members of the Grand Lodge of Instruction, Lodge Officers and Abbey 180’ s three new Entered Apprentices.
W.M. Neil Richie accompanied by R.W. Bro. John Edens, Provincial Assistant Grand Master.
W.M. Neil Richie accompanied by Bro's. Kyle McDowell, David Thompson, Andrew Moore and R.W. Bro. John Edens Provincial Assistant Grand Master. The three Entered Apprentices had been presented earlier in the evening with Lodge ties by the Provincial Assistant Grand Master.
Brethren relaxing at the end of the Festive Board.
April 2018 Meeting
November 2017 Meeting
In September the Abbey 180 walkers once again stepped out on their annual sponsored walk from the Whiteabbey Masonic Hall to Carrick in aid of Lodge Charities and the Northern Ireland Hospice. They surpassed the money collected last year by raising £450 for this excellent and very worthwhile Charity.
At 180’ s communication in November, the Worshipful Master Eddie Spiers hands over a Cheque to W. Bro. John McIlwaine PPGLIG and W. Bro Foster Clyde PPGLI.
W.Bro. Clyde said on thanking the Brethren of Abbey 180 for their very kind donation, that it was only with the help of the Brethren of Whiteabbey, their family and friends that they had been able to donate in the past 28 years in excess of £60,000 to the Hospice.
May 2017 Meeting