Abbey 180

Masonic Lodge
Have a look through our pictures (2012 to 1969).

2012 : W.Bro. Ken Ginnett's Installation accompanied by his Wardens and Officers.

2012: W.Bro. Ken Ginnett pictured at the Dias.

2012 : W.Bro. Robert Lenaghan presenting his father W.Bro. Bobby Lenaghan with his 50 year jewel.

2012: V.Wor. Bro. Bobby Spiers EMGLI.
2004 : Rep to Grand Lodge of Inst.
2003 : Prov. Grand Lodge Instructor.
2002 : Prov. Grand Lodge Inspector.

2011: W.Bro Robert Lenaghan's Installation accompanied by his Wardens and Officers.

2010:W.Bro.Neil Ritchie PGO.

2009: W.Bro. Bobby Spiers (Jnr)
accompanied by his Wardens and Officers.

2009: W.Bro. Tommy Chambers being presented with his 50 year jewel by
R.Wor. Bro. Bill Dyer.

2008: W.Bro. Gary Spiers accompanied by his Wardens and Officers.

2007: Wor. Bro. George Burnside and assembled Brethren at the Grand Lodge in Dublin.

2004: W.Bro. Bill McMurdie with the Installing Officer V.Wor. Bro. Bobby Spiers.

2004: W.Bro. Bill McMurdie accompanied by his Wardens and Officers.

2002: W.Bro. Jim Porter with the Installing Officer, W.Bro. Bobby Spiers.

2002: W.Bro. Jim Porter's Installation, accompanied by his Wardens and Officers.

2002: W.Bro. Jim Porter with his father W.Bro. Jimmy Porter.

1997: W.Bro. John Sproule enjoying his Installation Festive Board accompanied by his Wardens, Officers, Brethren and Visitors.

1995: W.Bro. Frank McNeice being presented with his 50 Year Jewel by V.Wor Bro. Stanley McIlroy.

1995: W.Bro. Tommy Chambers Installation.

1994: W.Bro. Bobby Spiers, W.M. of Lodge 993.

1994: Wor. Bro. Bobby Spiers accompanied by R.Wor. Bro. Robert Thompson PGM and his three sons,
Bro. Eddie Spiers, Bro. Bobby Spiers and Bro. Gary Spiers.

1994: W.Bro. George Williams accompanied by
R.Wor. Bro. Robert Thompson, PGM and Officers at the Lodges 125th Anniversary.

1992: W.Bro. Jim McLaughlins installation accompanied by his Wardens and Officers.

1991: W.Bro. Bobby Spiers installation accompanied by his Wardens and Officers.

1990: W.Bro. Bert Gault's Installation, accompanied by his Wardens and Officers.

1989: W.Bro. Alan Hunters Installation.

1989: W.Bro. Tom Williams PPGS.

1969 : W.Bro. Eddie Coalter pictured at the Lodges 100th Anniversary.
Festive Board Installation Dinner Menu for the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Wm. J Montgomery 1956