Abbey 180

Masonic Lodge
Annual Sponsored Walk : June 2024

Abbey 180 held their annual sponsored walk on the 29th June from Carrickfergus to the Whiteabbey Masonic Centre. Normally the walk is held at the end of September but this year it was decided to bring the date forward, taking advantage of the summer weather. It was the biggest turnout with 14 Brethren and one dog participating.
This year the money will be divided equally between the “Northern Ireland Hospice”, in memory of the Treasurer of the Lodge, W.Bro. Tommy Chambers and The “NI Children Heartbeat Trust”, the nominated charity of the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Hugh Blair.
April 2024 Communication

Abbey 180 had a change of venue for their April Communication, great night sitting in the Templepatrick Masonic Centre, new home of the PGL of Antrim.
A Fellow Craft degree was delivered with great aplomb, with a number of Lodge members, young and young at heart, taking part in the degree.
The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Hugh Blair welcomed W.Bro. Raymond Shaw to the meeting, who was joining the Lodge.
PGL Antrim - Stated Communication 15th April 2024.

W. Bro. Gary Spiers was appointed Provincial Junior Grand Deacon at a Stated Communication of Provincial Grand Lodge at the Leighinmohr Hotel Ballymena on the 15th April .
He was supported by a proud father, R.W.Bro. Bobby Spiers EMGL of Instruction and Representative to the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Portugal, his brother, W.Bro. Ed Spiers, Bro. Gareth Moody and W.Bro. Nigel Hanna.
January 2024 Communication

Bro. Gary Lennox accompanied by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Hugh Blair, and W.Bro. Robert Lenaghan after receiving his 3rd Degree;
Degree team
Receiving: W.Bro. Gary Spiers
Conductor: W.Bro. John McIlwaine
Assurance, Obligation & Explanation of the Obligation: RW.Bro. Bobby Spiers
Legend: W.Bro. Alan Hunter
Working Tools: Bro. Jamie Linton